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Caverstede Nursery School

Moving and Handling Young Children

Unfortunately, this training session has been cancelled. A new date will be advertised once arranged.

Training date; Tuesday 4th February 2025  Time; 10.00 - 11.00am

Limited spaces so booking is essential. Venue; Caverstede Nursery School VIA Microsoft Teams   This is an introductory Moving & Handling session aimed at staff - including managers, working in Early Years settings, staff in nursery/reception classes within school and childminders - in the Peterborough area.

It will cover the following areas;

  • Relevant legislation
  • Risk assessments
  • Function of the spine
  • Moving and handling theory and techniques
  • Moving and handling aids

Candidates will be sent a series of short videos to watch prior to the virtual session.   Please contact Caverstede Nursery School to book onto this. E-mail; hub@caverstede.peterborough.sch.uk   This is a FREE course as part of the Hub Network. We can only accept applications from schools and settings with Peterborough Local Authority