In 2004, working closely with Jane Horwood, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and the local Inclusion team, two booklets were produced to help parents and professionals develop ideas relating to a child's sensory needs.
Within the booklets, you will hopefully learn to understand adult and children's sensory-motor preferences; observe children using 'sensory detective' techniques; gather simple observable sensory information and use observable sensory information to provide a format for finding sensory activities.
There is a minefield of information now available on the internet on Sensory Integration. There are also many inspirational and informative books available that look at a variety of topics from the 'neurological impact of sensory processing' to low-cost sensory activity ideas.
The booklets aim to simplify and format an approach to 'Sensory Detection'. It is not a substitute for other valuable sources of information but a tool for parents and professionals alike - to use on their road to 'sensory discovery'.
The booklets are available to buy for £12 per pack (if collected from the school.) If you should wish to purchase these by post, please complete the order form (on the attached file) and send to us with the appropriate cost including postage.