The Knowledge Organisers are created by the class teams to support children, practitioners and families. They display our key words, stories, suggested texts, songs and rhymes that every child will have some experience of over the course of a half term. They reflect the age and stage of the children within each room with aspirational outcomes in mind for all children. They are visual to encourage children’s engagement. Key vocabulary is displayed in the classrooms, at the children’s height with pictures to aid children’s interaction.
We have selected key vocabulary linked with the core story and theme which we would like the children to know and understand. We also carefully select nursery rhymes to support children’s language, number, fine and gross motor skills. The nursery rhymes may also link with the core story, theme or season of the year.
In support of the core story/theme/season we name a collection of suggested texts within our Knowledge Organisers. Suggested texts may include traditional tales, non-fiction, fiction, diversity, comics/magazines, atlas, maps, fliers, touchy feely, music/sound books, sensory stories, finger/hand puppet books, popular culture. These will be available for children and practitioners to access within the classroom/library.
The Knowledge Organisers can be shared by children with their families in support of learning happening in school. Core Stories and nursery rhymes will also be shared on Tapestry for children and their families to share together at home.