At Caverstede Nursery School we understand and value the importance of E-Safety. E-Safety is part of our everyday teaching and staff use opportunities during play as well as planned activities to promote this.
We teach the children how to stay safe in the digital world, who to ask if they want help with something they are worried about and how to be a good friend. Teaching E-Safety begins the moment your child accesses technology, whether it’s using their tablet to access games, watching you use your phone or using the TV remote. We aim to teach our children to become skilled and safe with a variety of technology.
The Caverstede curriculum promotes E-Safety through its Technology strand, in Understanding the World. It highlights the following statements to support children’s technology and internet safety skills, to ensure that they:
- Know that photographs and videos are taken of them
- Know that information can be retrieved and shared from digital devices and the internet
- Know that adults use passwords to keep their information safe on laptops and iPads
- Can use the internet with adult supervision to find and retrieve information of interest to them
- Can recognise ways in which I can communicate with people I know.
- Know some ways of keeping safe and healthy including when using technology
Each year we recognise Safer Internet Day and celebrate this across a week-long period. We tailor activities within the classrooms for our children and their developmental needs. Information guides are also sent out to parents/carers offering a range of advice on subjects such as managing screen time, gaming advice for preschool children and ideas on buying a smart toy, plus many other tips and hints. Each year we focus on what is relevant to our current cohort and families.
We also provide parents/carers with information to help them reinforce internet safety at home throughout the year.
Keep a look out for notices, information and links that we will be sending out. We will use ParentMail and will also be adding details to the website and our social media. Details of activities will also be shared on Tapestry, the online learning journal used.
Useful links;