- Intent is knowing what we want our children to learn.
- Implementation is knowing how to deliver the learning.
- Impact is knowing what our children have achieved and measuring how effective the learning has been.
- Intent is knowing what we want our children to learn.
We place great value on the development of children as individuals and providing them with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to prepare them for the challenges of school and beyond.
At Caverstede our aim is to build strong foundations and resilience, so that the children can grow to become successful, life-long learners and members of society.
We would like that all children are able to achieve their dreams and aspirations without judgement.
We have designed a sequential curriculum to support the children so that they can gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require for success.
We support our children in developing the skills needed in order to learn to listen, speak and meet the high expectations for behaviour by working together and being kind.
We understand that well-being has an impact on learning and therefore we strive that every child will experience a warm, supportive stimulating environment which encourages learning through play at each child’s individual stage of development.
We embrace and celebrate the diverse and rich wealth of languages, backgrounds and cultures that make up the Caverstede community.
We recognise that the development of children’s spoken language underpins all areas of learning. We aim to provide rich opportunities and experiences to support and extend children’s vocabulary.
- Implementation is knowing how to deliver the learning.
We start with the child and build a strong relationship with each individual and their family through our key person system.
Our curriculum is planned, sequenced and broad-ranging, covering the overlapping areas of Personal Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World. The curriculum is accessible both indoors and outdoors.
Both our indoor and varied outdoor areas, are equally valued. We are fortunate to be able to provide so many opportunities for outdoor exploration and learning. We have trained staff in forest school. Children are able to make choices to play inside or outside throughout their day.
The provision within Caverstede delivers challenging activities and experiences which support the development of the children. Our children learn through their engagement with a range of learning opportunities which are made up of a balance of adult-led and child-initiated opportunities.
We promote active learning throughout our provision, talk through ideas as they are happening and revisit previous learning to embed concepts.
Our inclusive approach to curriculum delivery ensures that all children are able to fully participate and learn alongside one another at an appropriate level to them.
We highly value story and singing times. We carefully select books and rhymes/songs that provide language rich opportunities. We provide frequent exposure to these and extensive occasions to use and embed new words.
We have a strong focus on communication and language through conversation, modelling, repetition of vocabulary and questioning within everything we do. Children are provided with opportunities to use their new vocabulary in context, to deepen their understanding of words and feel comfortable with their use.
We understand that learning and development is greatly affected by well-being. Our staff understand the importance and endeavour to create an environment for children to feel safe, and where they are secure, stimulated and happy. We monitor and support children’s well-being throughout the year.
We work together with parent/carers to support their child’s learning. We provide opportunities and ideas to support children at home with their learning and development. This may be for example through Tapestry, leaflets, knowledge organisers and discussions with parents/carers.
- Impact is knowing what our children have achieved and measuring how effective the learning has been.
Our curriculum is centred on the needs of all the children. Children’s learning is evaluated through observation and interaction.
Children are observed to ensure that they are happy and engaged in activities. We support children to make positive relationships during their time at Caverstede and to have an understanding of working together.
We support children to become confident in talking to adults, and each other.
Staff use ongoing observational assessment to identify children’s starting points and plan experiences to develop their learning and next steps.
Children’s well-being is regularly discussed, and strategies are developed to support individuals and/or groups of children.
During each assessment period, we are able to update the achievement children have made onto our tracking system allowing us to assess the impact and plan next steps. Tapestry is used to evidence children’s learning. This includes observations, photos, videos and contributions from parents/carers.
Our curriculum and its delivery ensure that children make progress. During their time at Caverstede, children make rapid and substantial progress towards their age-related expectations and beyond before transitioning. Children’s progress and achievement are driven by an enriched curriculum, enabling environment, and regular assessment which informs our future planning and learning.
The fact that children often come to us on the personal recommendation of previous and current parents shows that we have had a positive impact on the lives of previous children and families.
Our feeder primary schools tell us how well prepared the children from Caverstede are to transition into primary. They are quick to settle into reception classes, are happy, enthusiastic learners, who are ready for the challenges ahead as they move onto the next stage on their educational and life journey.
Please refer to the following policies:
- Learning and Development policy
- Learning through play policy
- Outdoor learning policy
- Assessment policy