Our vision is to be an outstanding Nursery School. Our mission is to meet the needs of all our children and families through high quality inclusive provision.
 We value people
- Children and families will always be first in everything we do.
- Enthusiastic and caring staff will build good relationship with families.
- We will celebrate each child’s uniqueness.
- All staff will feel valued and play an active part in the School.
- All children and families are welcomed and equally valued.
- All staff will treat each other equally and respectfully
 We value learning
- We will give children and adults opportunities to learn through positive relationships, a rich indoor and outdoor learning space and planned and spontaneous learning experiences.
- All children will be able to develop their strengths and follow their interests.
- We value and listen to the child’s voice to support and enhance their learning.
- A friendly, relaxed and secure environment for all will support children to achieve excellent outcomes.
- We acknowledge that learning starts at home. All families will be supported and involved in their children’s learning through an individual approach.
- All staff will seek out opportunities to make themselves valuable multi-skilled professionals.
We value positive behaviour
- The School will have an ethos which emphasises role modelling of positive behaviour for everyone involved, including zero tolerance to bullying and harassment.
- Discrimination will be reduced by modelling positive attitudes to diversity and actively challenging stereotypes and prejudices especially with regard to the protected characteristics
- We expect all members of the Caverstede community to act with courtesy, respect and good manners.
- Children will be supported to have a “can do” attitude.
- Adults will encourage children to have high self-esteem, self-belief and high aspirations.
- Adults will encourage and praise children’s achievements to promote positive well-being.
We value health
- Promoting the importance of healthy living including physical, mental, social and emotional health for all children, families, staff and adults and its impact on future life and learning.
- Adults will be sensitive to children’s involvement and wellbeing; creating a happy, comfortable environment.
We value leadership
- The School will be well governed, managed and led, having excellent relationships with other partner agencies and professionals.
- Strong Early Years principles and practice will support individuals to thrive and achieve.
- The leadership culture will enable all children, parents and staff to realise their aspirations.
- All staff will generate ideas, solutions, responses and findings in their learning and leadership to move the School forward.
- Our ethos of equal collaboration and shared, open and honest communication will be created and supported by all individuals.
We value our community
- By endeavouring to break down barriers, families will have a sense of belonging to our community.
- We will create opportunities to engage with the wider and local community.
- We will encourage children, families and staff to participate in community activities to create a sense of pride in Peterborough.
- We will create opportunities to increase global and cultural understanding.
We value our environment
- We will strive to reduce our carbon footprint by being eco-friendly, using resources wisely and recycling where we can.
- Everyone will be encouraged to be environmentally aware and respect and value the world around us.
- The natural environment will be used to shape ideas, support learning and develop positive behaviours and attitudes to sustainable living.
We value the future
- Continuous self improvement will be driven by sharing our best ideas, innovative practice and research with each other and the wider Early Years community.
- We will provide excellent practice to ensure sustainability in the future.
- Children and parents will be empowered to raise achievement and aspirations in preparation for the future.