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Caverstede Nursery School

SEND at Caverstede

Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND)

At Caverstede Nursery School, we haveĀ spaces for children with additional needs - which can range from children needing extra support with speech to children who have complex and profound needs. We have staff with expertise who work with children with additional needs.

We work closely with parents and value their input and opinions, parents are the child's first educators.

Our outdoor environment is designed to meet the needs of all our children and especially those who are sensory seeking or need to spin, climb, run etc.

Some children with additional needs will be set small targets to achieve. This can either be through an individual behaviour planĀ or through SEN Support. These targets are based on anĀ area where the child needs support, over and above what we would be doing for all other children. Targets are set with parents and those professionals involved with the child.

We have excellent links with local primary schools and the special schools within Peterborough. We support transition into school in a variety of ways depending what is suitable for each individual child.

At Caverstede Nursery School we work closely with a range of professionals:

  • Portage
  • The Local Authority Early Years Team
  • Physiotherapy
  • Child Development Centre (CDC)
  • Paediatricians
  • Health Visitors
  • School Nurse
  • Speech Therapy
  • Sensory Support Service
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Educational Psychology
  • Autism Outreach team

Some of the professionals will come into nursery and work with individual children and their key person.