Early Years: Guide to the 0 to 25 SEND Code of Practice:
Parent Guides
As part of the NHS Long Term plan - www.longtermplan.nhs.uk, the following are guides produced to give parents information about eye, hearing and dental checks.
These have been produced in partnership with;
- Contact - for families with disabled children www.contact.org.uk
- The National Deaf Children's Society - www.ndcs.org.uk
- SeeAbility - supporting people with sight loss and multiple disabilities, including learning and physical disabilities - www.seeability.org.uk
Developmental Journal for babies & young children with visual impairment:
This booklet is published as part of the Early Support Developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment. The Developmental journal is for babies and young children with visual impairment, which is called limited vision throughout these materials. Limited vision can range from profound impairment where a child has no vision or only light perception to severe where a child has some vision for ‘form’, or solid objects. The Journal is designed to be used alongside the Early Support Information for parents booklet on Visual impairment, which provides general information and advice. It can also be used with other Early Support materials. Find out more about this at the back of the booklet.
developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment-introduction
developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment-overview
developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment -getting stuck
developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment
developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment-activity cards
Developmental Journal for deaf babies & children: Monitoring Protocol
The Early Support Monitoring protocol for deaf babies and children is to help families understand their child’s development better and share their observations of their child’s learning and development with other people.
The How to use this Protocol booklet explains how to use the material.
A linked set of ‘fridge cards’, help users think about what they can do to help children develop.
The Protocol is divided into a number of different sections to enable users to think about different aspects of their child’s behaviour and to celebrate progress.
The sections are:
• Communication
• Attending, listening and vocalisation
• Social-emotional development
• Other development milestones
• Play
Developmental Journal for babies & children with down syndrome:
The Early Support Developmental Journal for babies and children with Down syndrome has been written to help parents and the professionals who work with them.
Developmental Journal - for children with multiple needs:
Early Support is a way of working that aims to improve the delivery of services for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities and their families. It enables services to coordinate their activity better and provide families with a single point of contact and continuity through key working.
Early Support ensures that service delivery is child, young person and family centered and focuses on enabling practitioners to work in partnership with children, young people and their families.
The Developmental Journal for Children and Young People with Multiple Needs has been produced to help families of children with multiple needs to find out more about development and to track change and progress over time. It helps everyone involved with a child to share what they know and discuss how best to work together to support development and learning.
Early Support booklet - speech, language and communication needs:
This short booklet provides information about children and young people who may need some additional help with their communication, some signs to look out for and some ways to provide further help. This booklet is for parents and anyone who works with children and young people.
Supporting children with speech, language and communication needs;
Guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage.