Priority 1: Quality of Education
Key Objective 1: To evaluate and continue to enhance the delivery of our curriculum
Key Objective 2: To ensure moderation processes are robust Â
Key Objective 3: Gain the Nursery Eco Schools Green Flag Award (eco Schools Early Years)
Priority 2: Behaviour and Attitudes
Key Objective 1: To support families in need Â
Priority 3: Personal Development
Key Objective 1: Strengthen and build upon our rich experiences linked to our curriculum Â
Priority 4: Leadership and Management
Key Objective 1: To moderate the Caverstede Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Support documentation
Key Objective 2: Embed Appraisal for Support Staff
Key Objective 3: Document our working practices across the school
Key Objective 4: Government Early Educational entitlements and funding from April 2024 onwards
Key Objective 5: Ongoing review of staffing across the school
Key Objective 6: Increase opportunities for parents/carers to share their child/ren's Caverstede experiences
 Key Objective 7: New Inclusion Assistant Role