The core story is carefully chosen by the staff for their class, from our list of core texts. They are age and stage appropriate and are used to enjoy, learn and inspire.
The texts are used as focal point for planning and are often linked to topics and themes. To support and develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. Children often become immersed within the text, and their language is enhanced.
Adults in all classes read to the children daily and sometimes these texts are used. On other occasions the adults may choose another exciting age appropriate book to read and share with the children every day.
Books within the room are carefully chosen according to the children’s age and stage of development. For example, in the Ladybird room books are often lift the flap and/or sensory books at the beginning of the year.
Within our Knowledge Organisers we identify supporting texts for our core stories which support the topic and interests of the children.
During their time at Caverstede children will have had exposure, including but not exhaustive to, a range of texts, including; traditional tales, non-fiction, fiction, diversity, comics/magazines, atlas, maps, fliers, touchy feely, music/sound books, sensory stories, rhymes, poems.