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Caverstede Nursery School

Transfer Schools

Our children move onto a variety of schools on leaving Caverstede at the end of their Nursery 2 year.
During the Autumn term of your child's Nursery 2 year we encourage parents to focus on starting to select suitable schools for their child.
Transfer from Nursery School to their Reception class can be an anxious time for parents and children. We encourage all of our families to visit a wide range of schools as early as possible so that they can gain first hand knowledge of the schools and make the best choice for their child.
School List 2022  
All Saints C o E Primary 1
Discovery Primary 22
Fulbridge Academy 1
Gunthorpe Primary 3
Hampton Vale Primary 1
John Clare Primary 1
Longthorpe Primary 1
Manor Drive Primary Academy 6
Newborough Primary 1
Northborough Primary 1
Norwood Primary 4
Oakdale Primary 1
Orton Wistow Primary 1
Paston Ridings Primary 4
The Peterborough School 1
Lime Academy Orton (Phoenix Special) 1
Sacred Heart RC Primary 2
Southfields Primary 1
Welbbourne Primary 1
Welland Academy 1
Werrington Primary 12
William Law CE Primary 1
Total 73
School List 2021  
All Saints'C of E Primary 1
Castor C of E Primary 2
Discovery Primary School 15
Eye Primary 3
Fulbridge Academy 3
Garth Special School, Lincolnshire 1
Gunthorpe Primary 5
Langtoft Primary 1
Longthorpe Primary
Nene Valley Primary 1
Norwood Primary 6
Old Fletton Primary 1
Orton St John's 1
Paston Ridings Primary 1
Lime Academy Orton (Phoenix Special) 1
Queens Drive Infant 2
Ravensthorpe 1
St Michael's Church School 2
Thorpe Primary 1
Welbourne Primary Academy 1
Werrington Primary 13
William Law Primary 7
Out of county 2
Total 72
School List 2020  
All Saints' C of E Primary  1
Brewster Avenue Infant 3
Castor C of E Primary  1
Discovery Primary Academy 15
Dogsthorpe Infant School 1
Eye Primary 1
Fulbridge Academy 2
Gunthorpe Primary  6
Hampton Lakes 1
Longthorpe Primary 1
Nene Valley Primary  1
Newark Hill Academy 1
Newborough C of E Primary 1
Norwood Primary 6
Oakdale Primary 1
Paston Ridings Primary 2
St Thomas Moore Primary 1
Welbourne Primary Academy 1
Werrington Primary  16
William Law Primary 6
Total 68
School List July 2019  
All Saints Primary School 2
Castor C of E Primary School 1
Medeshamstede Academy (City of Peterborough Academy Special School) 1
Discovery Primary School 21
Dogsthorpe Primary School 1
Fulbridge Academy 1
Gunthorpe Primary School 7
Langtoft Primary School 1
Leighton Primary School  1
Middleton Primary School 1
Newborough C of E Primary School 2
Northborough Primary School 1
Norwood Primary School 6
Oakdale Primary School 2
Paston Ridings Primary School 3
Peakirk Cum Glinton C of E Primary School 3
The Peterborough School 1
Queens Drive Infant School 1
Southfields Primary School 1
Welbourne Primary School 1
Werrington Primary School 10
William Law Primary School 3
Out of County 2
Out of Country 1
Total 75
Below is the list of schools which our pupils transferred to summer 2018.

All Saints Primary


Brewster Avenue Infant


Castor Primary School


City of Peterborough Academy


Discovery Primary


Dogsthorpe Academy


Duke of Bedford Primary School


Eye Primary School


Fulbridge Academy


Eyrescroft Primary School


Gunthorpe Primary


Hampton College Primary


Heltwate Special


Newark Hill Academy


Norwood Primary


Paston Ridings Primary


Peakirk Cum Glinton Primary School


Phoenix Special


Sacred heart Primary School


St Michael’s Church School


Welbourne Primary School


Werrington Primary


William Law Primary


Out of County




Below is the list of schools which our pupils transferred to summer 2017.
All Saints Primary 2
Brewster Avenue Infant 1
Discovery Primary 23
Dogsthorpe Academy 1
Fulbridge Academy 1
Gunthorpe Primary 9
Hampton Hargate Primary 1
Heltwate Special 3
Market Deeping Primary 1
Middleton Primary 1
Newark Hill Academy 1
Newborough Primary 1
Northborough Primary 2
Norwood Primary 6
Paston Ridings Primary 5
Phoenix Special 3
Queens Drive Infant 1
St Thomas More Primary 1
Thorpe Primary 1
Welland Academy 1
Werrington Primary 8
William Law Primary 9
 Total  82
Below is the list of schools which our pupils transferred to last year 2016
Alderman Jacobs Primary School 1
All Saints Primary School 4
Bourne Westfield Primary Academy 1
Castor Primary School 2
City of Peterborough Academy Special School 1
Discovery Primary School 35
Dogsthorpe Primary School 3
Duke of Bedford Primary School 1
Eye Primary School 1
Fletton Primary School 1
Fulbridge Academy 4
Gunthorpe Primary School 6
Longthorpe Primary School 1
Middleton Primary School 1
Nene Valley Primary School 1
Newark Hill Primary School 2
Northborough Primary School 1
Norwood Primary School 4
Ormiston Meadows Academy 1
Paston Ridings Primary School 1
Peakirk Cum Glinton Primary School 1
Phoenix School 1
Queens Drive West Primary School 1
Sacred Heart Primary School 2
Stanground St Johns Primary School 1
Thorpe Primary School 1
Werrington Primary School 9
William Law Primary School 8
Total 96
Below is the list of schools which our pupils transferred to in 2015
School List July 2015  
All Saints Primary School 2
Brewster Avenue Primary School 2
City of Peterborough Academy Special School 3
Discovery Primary School 32
Duke of Bedford Primary School 2
Eye Primary School 1
Eyrescroft Primary School 1
Fulbridge Primary School 1
Gunthorpe Primary School 8
Hampton College Primary School 1
Helpston Primary School 1
Heltwate Special School 1
Linchfield Primary School 1
Longthorpe Primary School 1
Middleton Primary School 1
Newborough Primary School 1
Northborough Primary School 1
Norwood Primary School 4
Paston Ridings Primary School 3
Peakirk cum Glinton Primary School 1
The Phoenix Special School 1
Queens Drive Infant School 1
Southfields Primary School 1
Thorpe Primary School 4
Welbourne Primary School 1
Werrington Primary School 11
William Law Primary School 5
The Willoughby Special School 1
Total 93