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Welcome To Our New Website!
Caverstede Nursery School

Our curriculum

We support children's learning by providing the following:
Continuous provision
What is happening in the classrooms every day - predictable resources, children know what to expect and where to find it, e.g. role play, blocks, book area, mark making.
Enhanced provision
Staff enhance the continuous provision by adding resources linked to the theme/core story that the children are learning about.
Planned opportunities and experiences
We plan to ensure children develop necessary skills and knowledge over their time at Caverstede. This is based on our knowledge of the individual children. Due to this, experiences are widened and their learning is spread across all areas of learning.
We enrich the curriculum we offer children by introducing a range of activities and experiences e.g. visits from Bertie the dog, Cinema experiences, African drummers.
Knowledgeable teachers and practitioners
Staff structure learning to build on prior knowledge and ensure progress across all areas of learning. They plan who will do what, where and when. Staff are skilled to support the children’s independent learning delivering skilful interactions.

At Caverstede, we are ambitious for all our children and aim for them:
  • To be happy and confident
  • To make good progress from their individual starting points - they will know more, are able to do more and can remember more
  • To be school ready
The Caverstede Curriculum

Our early years specialist team devised the Caverstede Curriculum through many detailed discussions over time using early years research, information gained from training courses, various educational documents and our knowledge of the children in our community. 


Our curriculum is set out in 7 areas of learning plus phonics, and is underpinned by the following supporting curriculum policies:

  • Learning and Development
  • Learning Through Play
  • Outdoor Learning

An example of our curriculum can be seen below: