Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Caverstede Nursery School

Open Sessions

SEND Open Sessions

Our Open Sessions for practitioners within PVI (Private, Voluntary and Independent) settings and schools with nursery/reception classes are an opportunity to share strategies with our SENCo, Inclusion Manager and nursery practitioners who support our children with SEND.

We have experienced, knowledgeable staff who together with our carefully developed inclusive environment, meet the needs of ALL children.

You can also view our SEND resources, learning environment and speak to our staff to get ideas on how you can implement resources cost effectively within your school and classrooms.

Limited spaces - Booking essential        These sessions are for practitioners working in Peterborough schools and settings.

Q & A Open Sessions 

These OPEN Q & A sessions for nursery and reception class staff (within the Peterborough area) are an opportunity to view Caverstede and to share strategies with our SENCo and Inclusion Manager.

You may want ideas of how to support children with SEND who are due to join your school/setting in September. We may be able to discuss strategies and queries that you have regarding how to prepare, appropriate resources, the learning environment, routines, who to contact for support etc.

The next open sessions to be held at Caverstede are as follows:

Thursday 16th May; 1.30 - 3.00pm - Private, Voluntary & Independent settings

Tuesday 11th June; 1.30 - 3.00pm - Private, Voluntary & Independent settings

Thursday 13th June; 9.30 - 11.00am - Private, Voluntary & Independent settings

Thursday 13th June; 1.30 - 3.00pm - Schools with nursery/reception classes

Thursday 4th July: 9.30 -11.00am - Private, Voluntary & Independent settings

Thursday 4th July: 1.30 - 3.00pm - Private, Voluntary & Independent settings

Booking for these sessions is essential as there are limited places

Please email hub@caverstede.peterborough.sch.uk