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Welcome To Our New Website!
Caverstede Nursery School

Sunny weather and sunscreen

The weather is starting to become sunnier and we would therefore like to remind you of how we can enjoy the sun safely.

During warmer days, we plan activities to help reduce the impact of heat, such as ice in water play or the use of fans. We also use more shaded areas of the outdoor environment in extreme heat, provide drinking water throughout the day and encourage children to stay hydrated. We are mindful that the sun is particularly damaging between the hours of 11am and 3pm and ask that parents;

  • provide sunscreen of Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15, or above, for the UVB protection, and 4 or more stars or the letters “UVA” inside a circle which is a European marking, for the UVA protection, for their child.
  • sign a label giving staff permission to apply sunscreen to their child and this will be fixed to the bottle/container. Please apply sunscreen at home before coming to nursery. Staff will apply sunscreen or support children to apply their own and will re-apply if children are in nursery all day.
  • provide their child with a named sun hat to wear in the nursery garden.

Parent/carers are asked to confirm sunscreen has been applied. If not, they will be asked to apply sunscreen before leaving their child. Either using their own Sun Protection they have provided, or using Sun Protection provided by Caverstede.

Where sun protection has been unable to be provided, permission will be obtained from parent/carer, for staff to apply/reapply sunscreen provided by Caverstede.

To ensure that your child stays safe in the sun whilst at Caverstede, they will unfortunately remain inside if sunscreen is not provided or permission to use sunscreen provided by Caverstede is not granted.

If you have concerns or query regarding this, please do not hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher or key person.